बुधवार, 25 मार्च 2020

Sound of Gratitude

Very first time when Nehru said that clock time does play role in deliverance of humanity, it remained in our reminiscences for years. Before it could fade into our memories, 8 PM event, kind of made us believe that a time even could destroy the “humanity”.

Now when there was a call by the Chief of the PMO of India to come down to the gable, balcony of one’s house at 5PM today and cheer the crusaders who are helping us fight with the ailment grasping India slowly, it wrote a different history for the mankind of the country.

While 12:00 AM event was enforced by citizen of India and made memorable by British, 8:00 PM event was imposed by the government. This 5:00 PM event was requested by government and voluntarily made memorable by the Citizen of India, irrespective of the cast, creed, political proclivity, sexual inclination, spiritual inclination. That 5 minutes when the citizen of India had created a “Sound of Gratitude” towards all who are helping Country come out of the Chinese Disease, be it the Medics of the country, the paramedics, security personals, the cleanliness crusader, the government machineries even.

Those sound of “Taali, Thali, Shankh and Dholak” for the that short long five minutes had created such a pious environment that anyone could have got goose-bums. This one occasion suddenly became event for India. Suddenly all the news channels switched to broadcasting video clips of this “Sound of Gratitude” swamping in from across the country. Suddenly for a moment entire nation seems to have forgot the situation country is facing. When it looked like we already had concurred the Chinese Disease in that elated 5 minutes. Whatever be the situation is, this one five minute event had build quite a confidence in the population and had let them understand the importance of being quarantine. For the reason that one infected is not only a patient of the disease but also becomes a career for it and that is bigger a threat for the country.

The way government and people of the country are handling the situation, I am sure this Corona crisis will surely be a past story in a short span of time. But this will lead to answering or rather introspecting various questions for the nation and world on a larger prospect.

1.    The Disease Incubator :- Why China seems to have become a disease incubator country for the world. Most of the diseases spreading from there is zoonotic in nature and is having far bigger impact on world. Since last few recent years SARS, Bird Flu and now Corona are the horrid gifts given by China to the world. China has a bigger contribution in world business, the impact every time is going out of the hand of the world. Entire world has to think very plausibly upon this and should start pushing China to start developing new businesses for their citizen beyond various animal farming. The entire macro economy of China is dependent upon the manufacturing and micro is upon animal farming. In spite of all the measures China had taken, the population continue increasing there. The employment generation is not of the same pace. This would lead to people getting into the businesses that either would bombard the world with the sub standard products or some kind of animal farming that largely may be on a risk of giving zoonotic diseases.

2.    The Fragile Economy :- This COVID 19 outbreak had happened in December 2019 reportedly. Took around a month time to sensitize the world and even lesser time to give a threat to world economy. Now the bigger question to be addressed is, why the global economy is so very fragile that it can’t withstand even a month of lockdown? The bigger question to answer is, where the buffer in the business is going? Why no plan-B is there in the economy across? While bigger economy could still endure this for few weeks, smaller countries are getting into a deep disguise when it comes to their economy. World need to look upon creating a more sustainable economy where on one hand had the potent to handle such situations that would demand better influx of money while on the other hand has audacity to repair the situational damages caused during the moment of distress. While this sounds so very unrealistic, even the concept of AI was also very unrealistic few years back.

3.    The Manufacturing Hub :- Over a period of time, China had developed himself as major manufacturing hub of Asia. This had given them big respirate in terms of generating job for the rapidly growing population. But most of the manufacturing units are working on the coal burned energy. This is leading to usage of almost half of the coal of the world and producing more CO2 than US and EU put together (Forbes report). Even worst is they are giving the nature around 1/4th of the global Green House gas. The reason behind that is while they positioned themselves as the Global Manufacturing Hub, they put less resources in identifying new ways of producing energy that could be sustainable and would lead to zero land fill. Perhaps the manufacturing revolution was based on the fact that they need to give world a cheaper option of the production. This then would lead to using most economical option of energy and less emphasis on the R&D, after all there is a huge market for the cheaper products in the world. Now since companies are getting option to control their production cost and get into the price war, China had been a good option for them. This lead to making China better option for manufacturing. So if any issues happens in China, this affects the balance sheet of companies heavily. Different companies need to understand that this entire situation is leading to over dependency on one country which in any ways is going to be a dangerous proposition. Now is the time when global organizations has to think of spreading the risk than getting into a disproportionate dependency on one.

4.    The Medical Captivity :- While lot has happened on medical world globally, we may have to see various other options of research need, like the zoonotic that is killing millions of people every year. Few are what we know very well, there are many that is not even in our disease menu. Perhaps we may have to develop a situation where we should start reducing any circumstances where any zoonotic could lead to a global pandemic and also knowing diseases well before it even start creating any unanticipated situation. Perhaps a better coordinated working of Vet – Human Doc is very much required. A global association should be established to see this happening. This perhaps would ease the research processes and working towards reducing any cases pertaining to this.

5.    The Bio – Chemical Warfare :- Many conspiracy theory is prevalent post this outbreak. Though the authenticity of each is to be tested. Considering a hypothetical situation where the conspiracy theory holds good, we may have to see where we want to see world in next 20 – 30 years as this will become trend across. A third world country is no more under developed in terms of the science and technology. Moreover it is not much of the science to develop this now a days. We are heading towards a future where the warfare will not be played on the boarders or over the economy, but on the mass population of the countries. Perhaps over a period of time, we even would not mind sending some viruses to the countries that would mutate the population by attacking on the DNA of the people. We now need some global organization that could impose strict provisions on usage of chemical weapons and can impose strict penalty to the countries using or collecting these. Bigger countries need to come forward to have a very specific regulations on this with literally no exception on this, irrespective of the size, economy or market of the countries.

6.    The Post Facto Measures :- While such cases leads to major impact on human and humanity, it has even far bigger impact on the economy. What is required is to have an even cordial relationship among the countries of the world where each come together to combat these enemies, without putting business into the perspective. WHO and other world organization need to work harder towards this. Even countries need to push the thought over those adamant countries who tries bringing business to the savage. This may not that easy and have the potent of polarizing the world, but some majors are required towards this, else we may have to see more pandemic some time down the line. Also, country / countries responsible for these chemical / bio – chemical war should be identified appropriately and should be penalized strictly to ensure no further country’s attempt towards doing such stunt in future.

At the end, what is required is generating correct awareness among the citizen and citizen should follow instructions of the government of the time without being too much rational. Since the situation is not normal, hence the majors required to curb the problem should also not be normal and to be much beyond what normally is being done.


कब देखा था
उस नीलाभ की
नीले से भी रंग परे हैं। 

कब देखा था
सुबह की किरणें
झिर्री से रिस घर भरते हैं। 

कब देखा था
झुंड में नभचर
गाते समरस उड़ते जाते। 

नीड़ से वो झांकते खगेन्द्र वो
माँ की अपनी वाट जोहते

कब देखा था
प्रेम प्रणय में
मैना के जोड़े को लिपटे। 

आज पृथक और एकांकी हो
जब माँ की झुर्रियां गिने हो 
आज वो मौका ऐसा आया
माँ की अंक में तुम सोये हो
कब देखा था पापा ने
छत पे फूलों को सहज खिलाए
कब यूं चाय की चुस्कियों में सुने
अतित की सारी कथा कहानी। 

कब देखा था
बेटे ने तुम्हारे अक्षऱ लिखना सीख लिया है
उसकी पेन्सिल उसके बस्ते
अब वो खुद ही समेट के रखता

कब देखा था
पत्नी तुम्हारी रोटी पतली सी बनाती
थाली में अक्सर वो
तुम्हारी पसंद के व्यंजन लाती। 

आज जो यह समय मिला है
झांक के देखो खुद के अंदर
कब तुमने छोड़ा था अपने
शौक के लिए मीलों जाना
वो कोने में जो गिटार पड़ा है
ले आओ कोई धुन बजाओ
अरसे से जो नहीं लगाया
आज फिर वो मल्हार लगाओ।

वो जो कविता अधूरी छोड़ी थी
आज उसे पूरा कर जाओ
उस अधूरी कहानी के किरदारों को
आज मंजिल तक उनकी पहुँचाओ

आज पृथक और एकांकी हो
जो छोड़ा था, सब कर जाओ। 

- अमितेश