Yesterday, I had got a very weird thought. Its, what if I would have been an illiterate and if someone would have given me a book of some Noble Prize winner Author? How would I have reacted then? What would have been the meaning of that book to me? What would have I been done with that book?
This thought wrestling was going on while I was standing at one of the road in the evening. While this thought wrestling was going on in my mind, I was still concentrating upon the happenings of the road. Suddenly a very beautiful imported car passed through me. And that car was being followed by a dog barking maniacally. Perhaps any Noble prize winner author’s book would be holding same meaning to me would I have been illiterate like that of the imported car holds meaning to that barking dog.
But then another thought popped up in my mind. It was how a dog would be reacting when it sees a new model car on the road. Does the new model car hold any importance to them and they changes their barking style or it’s just another car over which they would have to bark fanatically.
I think the Dog psychology holds true in many of our actions which we think is very humanly.
Good keep it up and try to change the humanly behavior which really sometimes irritating,i don't know what exactly u want to say an illiterate person have same opinion on every issue or something else kindly tell and also tell me meaning of mollycoddled,,,,
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