It was really a long tiring day today. I was so very tired mentally that was just expecting to finish the work very fast and take a complete rest at home. I had left the stock point so fast in the evening as if I have been freed from a long incarceration.
As usual, I took the same habitué road to my house. This road is more of a nation to me. A country that consists of all the different kind of people; brings a lot of happenings every day, every moment that sometimes mesmerizes me while traveling the road. Every time I pass through this road it seems like I am passing through a story book. A story book with a lot of characters having their own stories, interesting stories. But today, I was not in mood to enjoy this road of nation, the story book road. So I was riding my bike fast on this road to reach my house soon.
One of the best qualities of any good story book is that a lot of incidences should be interwoven in such a way that it should spellbind the reader. And this Story Book Road is one of the best books of the world in this regard. So once again story book road turned an interesting page in front of me. While riding fast I saw a big crowd in front of a shop. It made me slow down my hurried speed. This crowd was in front of a liquor shop. People were mad purchasing their quota of liquor. The crowd was a little more than a normal weekend. I was surprised to see this. It was like people were splattering out from the liquor shop and had spread off till the other side of that 40 feet road. Why there are so many crowds? Why people are mad purchasing liquor today? Is it the last day to drink? One after other lot of questions started coming to my mind without getting answered. And here it is. I got a single line answer for all the questions. A banner was hung at the shop saying:-
“The Liquor Shop Will Remain Close on 30th January on the Eve of
Mahatma Gandhi’s Death Anniversary”.
So, the shop owner had shown his allegiance of being an Indian and had fulfilled his responsibility of being a true citizen. Or is it that they wanted to sell more to remove any possibility of losing out business on 30th January? It is not very necessary for a liquor shop to hang a banner to inform the world that they are close on so and so date. And I suppose, by displaying such a message on the shop, you are rather making fun of the nationality than showing a kind gesture towards being a responsible citizen. It’s the pursuance of not loosing out the business for even a single day. Every one has right of doing so. But the rights should be responsible one. One can not and has no right of making fun of Bapu. It is not because of the fact that I have a great respect for him, but because we as a citizen of India has decided that Mahatma Gandhi is “Father of Nation” and we as a nation do respect this on a broader sense.
Bapu, you always have given a reason for India to cherish and even after 62 years of perishing you are bringing better livelihood for the Liquor Shop owners. I know you will feel bad to hear this. But you have a big exonerative heart and we all are your children. But I am feeling a little bad for you. I don’t know if my children would respect you or not. My all tiredness vanished and scatterbrained persisted.
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