रविवार, 13 अक्टूबर 2013

To Travel Across or Being Flown in Ganga

River Ganga has always fascinated me. I have a hidden dream of traveling across the 2500 km length of the holy river and capture the cultural diversity of India. This always surprises me how people, culture, tradition changes with every miles across the river but the Holy river remains unchanged, flowing with her serenity, washing off all what is coming her ways and leaves behind the prosperity. I have this opportunity of staying near to this river for most of my life so far. At times had even joined "Ganga Bachao Movement" in Patna to pay my tribute to the River. Have flown my grief and paap into the River, passed my time by throwing pebbles in River. Ganga always had gave me that independence and had never frown on me.
And this time I am again at most sacred part of this River, Varanasi. The place where it is said if some one die and get cremated at her bank definitely gets Nirvana. A place where Holy Ganga is so sacred that it helps creatures leave the cycle of reincarnation and reach the absolute Brahma. It was such a feeling that I was spellbound while rowing the boat on the Holy River. I was in trans and everything around me was appearing meaningless. This an hour long rowing had again surfaced my feelings of traveling across the length of this Holy River and know her well.

A day will definitely come when I'll fulfill my this hidden wish of traveling through the length of the Holy River. Else would prefer being flown in the Holy River as ashes, if not alive, can travel across the river after dying. 

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