शुक्रवार, 30 अप्रैल 2010

Simple Solution for Every Problem

We often come across lot of problems on a daily basis. We do solve some, we let some unsolved, we leave some as if it is not belonging to us or we let the problem stay as it is and wait for suitable time to solve it as in the present context this problem is not big enough to affect our life. But the matter of fact is, every problem always comes with a solution. And, we always have atleast an answer to any problem if not solution.
But what if in the effort of solving some case, we either make it unnecessarily perplexed or create another problem in response of solving it.

I always have believed that for every problem, irrespective of the fact that how much complicated that problem is, there is always a simple solution. And no problem in the world is that much complicated that it either does not have any solution or have complicated solution. The only trick is, we should have to keep our senses open to sense all the aspect of the problem / case. Leaving even a single dimension of the problem unswayed would create a situation where we either would end up with the problem unsolved or suggest unnecessarily even complicated answer to it.

Why this lengthy thought is coming to my mind?

Today I came across a very unique way of handling any problematic situation. Someone had suggested me that many a times it’s always good to let the problem unsolved. This is the best way to solve the problem. Humm…

But why do we always do that. I do agree that sometimes it is good to let the problem unsolved. But this can be done not with the problem but with the situation. If we repeatedly start doing it, this will lead to circumstances where people associated with that problem start developing a negative thought about us. In fact, people will start misconceiving even in the situation where we are right in all the set principles of the fact.

Anyways good to know a new way of solving problem.

And then while reading "Married But Available" by Abhijit Bhaduri, I read these lines (Page 15) : "Problems cannot be solved. They can be absolved, resolved or dissolved."

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